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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

''Real'' Magic

Me and XR stayed behind after school today and watched stuff on YouTube for a while. The things we watched were mainly about magic (but not limited to it). I don't mean magic as in ''Magic The Gathering'' the card game, but actual ''magic'', if it can be called that. It was the kind of magic where you make person pick a card, shuffle it into the deck, pick it out somehow and then show it to them. Illusory magic as it can be called, tricking people into thinking you're doing something different than you actually are.

I've had a small interest in the subject for a long time, but it hasn't been more than a small interest. I'm considering learning a few more tricks than the little I know, for entertainment purposes. I know how to knock a cork through a bottle and the very common ''this, this, that'' card trick, but I want to be able to do a bit more than just that. I think I'd like being able to do some more magic tricks, especially card ones, since I think it would be useful to impress people, or at least as a conversation starter to break the ice and get to know people.

I think doing The Joker's pencil trick will be a great way to find my peers.

I plan on finding a deck of cards to play with a bit as the first thing, and then maybe do a quick google to find some basic info about different slight of hands, and then try to combine them into some magic tricks. I know most magicians try to hide what they do, but there's always one or two that reveal how the different tricks work.

If I find nothing useful on google, I'll just watch ''fool us'' or what it was called, where magicians compete to get a part in the Las Vegas show of two of the worlds most famous magicians by trying to not have their tricks seen through by the mentioned famous magicians. If the magicians succeed in fooling, they go to Vegas, but if they don't, their tricks are revealed. And it is the part where tricks get revealed I'll be after when (or if) I watch the show, even though the rest is also usually entertaining.

I used to know a lot more card tricks than I do know, and I'm kind of annoyed at myself at the moment for forgetting how to do them. One of the card tricks was really impressive, even though I never really figured how out how it worked. It was a relative that taught me how to do it, on my grandmothers birthday. I can't remember it clearly, but it had something to do with splitting the deck into piles of 3 and 3 cards, and then selecting a card they'd picked earlier out from the piles. I vaguely recall something about how both me and the person being tricked chose stacks, but most of the trick is forgotten. I also remember asking my relative how the trick worked, and she told me it had something to do with math, but nothing more. I never figured out how that trick worked.

I hope to be able to create my own tricks, so I seek to extract the most important things about each trick I learn. To take an example, there's the mentioned ''this, this, that'' card trick, which taught me some sleight of hand, which can be used for a ton of different card tricks, and is based on one of the most basic sleight of hand things there is when it comes to card tricks.

I don't know how involved I'll get with the whole magic thing, but I recon it will take at least some of the time in the near future. I might also post some tutorials on how to do magic different magic tricks on my blog, so that if anyone's interested in that kind of stuff, they'll get a bit of material to start with.

For now I think I'll just look up how to do some basic stuff, and then maybe go deeper into the whole magic thing later. So maybe I get good at it, maybe I don't, or maybe I just forget about it. Anything can happen.

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