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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Introduction To My First D&D Adventure

As some people who have looked through what's on the site most likely know, I play Dungeons and Dragons, abbreviated D&D. I am currently working on a D&D dungeon for my D&D group. It's what I would call a mega-dungeon, as it is several times larger than a normal D&D dungeon. I have been working on it for months now, spending many hours after school and in weekends, to get it finished. While I have not finished it yet, I am planning to have it ready (hopefully) within 2 weeks, which is when the next chance to play D&D opens up among my group.

I'm going to place the parts of the adventure on this blog, piece by piece, at the rate of which we complete them, to avoid spoiling anything for anyone from my D&D group potentially reading my blog, to avoid spoiling the adventure for them. What I can say on the other hand, is that it will be epic. The sheer size of it means that if we play several times a week, it will take a minimum of 1/2 year to complete at our current speed, and the quality is, as I simply must admit (brag about), excellent. There's a main storyline, several sub-storylines (that play little role in completing the dungeon, but is a nice spice), a plot, realistic motivation, relatively realistic dungeon set-up, and much more, to make the dungeon the greatness that it most surely is.

I've spent, as stated, a lot of time to get it complete. I've given it a lot of my energy, sucking up a lot that should have been used for school and such, to get my average grades up a bit (even though they aren't actually bad at the moment, it's just that they could be higher). I'm itching to tell everyone and everything about this amazing thing, but I can't, as it would spoil the moment of actually playing through it for my D&D group. But, tell you what, I'll make an exception this time, and I will reveal enough to keep most D&D players interested.

The setting takes place in the published campaign Eberron (though it could easily be swapped to another campaign), and centers around the pillaging and plundering of farms and small villages near an old castle, where nothing seems to be out of the ordinary. Except for one thing; The corpses of those fallen in the raids are nowhere to be found. Neither the corpses of friends, foes or anyone else can be found among the ruins, and those lucky enough to have escaped, only saw glimpses of those who so easily killed their families, burnt their homes and desecrated their homes. Horrifying glimpses, that the survivors may have been better off forgetting.

Why are there no corpses? Where have the corpses been taken, if they have been taken? What's with the raiders? Who's the mastermind behind all of this? Many questions arise already from the beginning, and I can promise many more mysteries. The survivors' tales of the glimpses of the horrifying raiders, mysterious pentagrams in the raided villages and a fight for the old castle awaits those brave enough to start this adventure. Dare you enter the castle of a human king who's lived to be 120, many opposing forces who are all seeking to take the castle, and fight your cause, when even the castle itself works against you?

Thus is the introduction I will give you for my adventure, where I will add more and more as we venture through the dungeon (I've already spoiled a bit more than my group should know, but since I haven't told any of them I'm posting this on my blog, I doubt they'll notice as of now. I will be more careful about spoiling in the future, but as of now, I needed a nice introduction for the adventure, because I know people like a good introduction, especially to such a great adventure. I hope this glimpse of what's next to come is enough to keep you reading, and possibly get you to read some of the other posts on my blog. Any comments are appreciated, and I will read as many comments as I can, and answer those that need answering.


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