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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Change Is Coming

You know what? My blog isn't really all that good. It's a ton of text about things that few people find relevant, and I'm only ending up getting a small portion of readers this way. I'm also using pictures I'm not sure if I'm allowed to use, to make crappy jokes. I don't like it. I don't like it at all.

When I began blogging, I didn't really know why. I think it was more of a ''why not'' thought than anything else, but I still felt like writing something that people could take pleasure in reading. I began with a relatively large amount of effort put into blogging, but after a while it became more of a ''splurt of text'', that wasn't interesting to anyone but me.

When I look back at the development of my posts, It's only gone up in quantity, and down in quality, which is the opposite of what I wanted to do with my blog. I didn't want to have a lot of small, uninteresting post, I wanted a smaller amount of good ones. I wanted to make quality posts, and slowly build up a library of posts that people to browse through, kind of like my blogging idol, Natalie Dee.

Natalie Dee is the owner of the blog Hyperbole and a Half, which is a great blog full of emotion and effort. All the posts are interesting, and even though there haven't been an update in a long time, the blog still thrives in visitors (according to her FAQ). She has a ton of pictures she draws herself, and relatively little text.

I feel like moving my blog more in that direction. As it is now, there's no planning of any posts, and I end up writing posts that in reality should have been cut, cropped or even split into more posts, that I just sprinkle up with some random crappy jokes. There's little interest for anyone in this, and all I've ended up with is too much text for anyone to handle, and the only visitors I get are bots (judging by the 3-3-0-0-3-3-0-0-3-3-0-0 rate of visitors I get). Nobody even cares about my blog, and I'm mostly writing everything I do in confidence that I'll eventually get some actual readers.

The whole ''plumping out text sprinkled with google search images'' thing isn't something I want people to connect with me, so I swear and promise that posts from now on will not contain anything not made by me, unless there's a good reason behind it, and that they will be better planned out than the posts that exist already. I won't update as frequently as I have (several times a week), but I promise to make up for the lack of quantity, with much better quality.

Head Doodle
This is something made by me. I felt like adding a picture in here.

That's about it for this post, and if actual people read my blog, please let me know. It's getting kind of depressing to just write for the hope that someone might possibly ony day read what I've written, and then maybe possibly be interested, and then possibly get an interest for my blog, and then possibly telling other people about it.

Post Script: I don't know when I'm going to update next time, and I'm also sorry about not posting my D&D dungeon yet. Someone cut in the DM-ing line, and I now have to rescale my entire dungeon 4 levels up (and I want to do it the most proper way, so it will take some time. If anyone's impatient, let me know, and I can start posting what I got.

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