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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Some Guy From Math Class

Yesterday, after math class was over, I talked a bit to a guy who's in my class. I don't usually talk to him, but he seems to share some of my interests. We found out that we both play (or played) Magic The Gathering, so he asked me if I wanted to play with him. I don't remember the details too precisely, but I think we agreed to play today. I don't know when, where, or even how I'm going to find it, but I'm pretty sure it was today he wanted to play. Well, I could have misheard him, but I'm mostly sure he at least wanted to play with me.

He said he wanted to ''play'' and ''do some magic'' with me

It's all kind of blurry, and I can't really remember everything that well, but I know that I decided yesterday to bring my cards today. I tried my best to remember it, but somehow I managed to forget, as I sat at school blogging yesterday, until 19:00. I remember it was 19:00, because I glimpsed the clock and noticed that it was exactly 19:00, which kind of surprised me enough to remember, (speaking of round clock numbers, I just noticed the clock is precisely 09:00).

Anyways, I shut my computer at 19:00, and packed my stuff, before heading down to the bus stop outside school. I waited for some time before the bus came, and I stuffed myself (and my backpack and gym bag full of moist clothes and a wet towel) into the bus, barely fitting myself in enough for the sensors near the door to not notice that I was there, allowing the doors to close. While standing there, my thoughts started to drift, as they usually do when nothing really happens around me. In the midst of thinking, someone actually talked on the bus, which doesn't happen to often. They talked about where they lived and how things were going for each other, and one of the girls claimed to live with some B/C-celebrity and that she had done so for a few weeks.

After a while, they left the bus, and I got a seat to sit it. I resumed my thinking, and kept thinking until I was home, where I ate some lukewarm dinner left-overs. It was pita breads, that I filled with some spiced meat and vegetables. It tasted delicious, and I ate enough, so I cleaned up after me, and put the meat I hadn't eaten in a bag that I put in the freezer (as asked by my dad), threw the vegetables in the garbage and started the dishwasher.

After that I went to my room (that I share with my brothers), where I met my brother sitting at his desk, playing loud music and doing some stuff on his computer. I sat down in my own chair, before I switched on my computer. I checked for any new episodes of the shows I'm watching, before looking up the web comics I'm reading and looking up some funny pictures, and I started playing Minecraft. It was rather late by then, since the trip home took some time, and I wasted some time after I had eaten to read a bit in a newspaper, so I didn't get time to play too much. I played with redstone for a bit (no success in anything new), before I got a hunch about having something to do.

''I don't have any homework and the bodies are long since buried. What could it be?''

It was then I checked my notes on my phone, and saw my own message about bringing my magic cards to school. Wasting no time, in fear of forgetting again, I rushed down to the basement, and checked the storage boxes to try and find my cards. Luckily for me, it was in one of the boxes I had recently put down there, and it was on the bottom box of the first pile of boxes, so I only had to search through 3 boxes before finding it.

I put the cards carefully in a plastic back, that I wrapped another plastic back tightly around to avoid the cards getting too mixed up and put them in my backpack. I went to bed not too long after that. The day after I went to school in an ordinary way, and put the cards in my locker, before heading to class. I had arrived early, so I decided to play some ukulele. I played for a bit, before I heard that neither my history teacher nor a substitute was coming, so I decided to chat with some friends. I chatted for a bit, but we didn't find any interesting subject to talk about, so I decided to sit down in front of my computer. It was then I thought about blogging, which brings us to the current moment.

I am now sitting here, hoping that I'm going to play MTG today, and that I can find the guy from math class if I am. In the classroom there's a small amount of chatting going about, but most people are busily buried in their laptops, giving me a nice and quiet environment to write in. We'll see how things go today, and most likely I'm going to become friends with the guy from math class I share interests with, and even if I don't get to play with him today, there's always tomorrow, when I have math class, and I can talk to him again and maybe plan things a bit better than yesterday.

So that's about it, and I'm most likely going to blog about how this develops. At the current moment I've got my cards in my locker, ready to play or make new decks at any time (I think I forgot to write that I brought all my cards, so I got quite a bit I can mix and match with). So until the next time I blog (hopefully not a too long time to), goodbye and farewell.

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